BaySwim Entry Terms and Conditions
1. U3 Aquababes – Free entry into pool plus free entry for 1+ x spectator/ 1 x caregiver.
Example: 1 parent could be in the water with the child and then grandparents are spectating who get free entry.
2. Pre School (3-5years) – Free entry into pool plus 1 caregiver free swim.
3. O6’s - Free entry into pool plus free entry for spectator(s)/ caregiver(s).
Example. Child might have Mum & Dad spectating for free.
4. Adults - Free entry into pool for your swimming lesson.
*Includes all community pool (Baywave, Greerton, Otumoetai, Memorial)
1. U3 Aquababes – Free entry into pool plus free entry for caregiver who is in the water with the Aquababe.
2. O3’s - Free entry into pool; caregiver will need to pay a spectator or swimmer fee.
3. Adults - Free entry into pool
Terms & Conditions
- The free swimming access is for the enrolled swimmer, not their family.
- U3 lessons have 1 x child and 1 x adult in lessons therefore free swimming for both.
- O3 lessons only have 1 x child who is the member who gets unlimited free access.
BaySwim Swim School Terms & Conditions
Terms and Conditions Updated February 2022
Set out below are the terms and conditions, including the rights and obligations of you as parent or guardian, and the child/children in your care, with BaySwim. We recommend that you read them carefully.
1.0 Swim School Participation and Responsibility
1.1 Rules: We may set Rules from time to time and any such Rules will form part of this Agreement. By entering into this Agreement, you and the child/children in your care agree to be bound by any Rules.
1.2 Changes: You accept conditions including our opening and closing hours, services and facilities, and fees may change from time to time. If that happens, we will notify you in advance of such changes to the contact details advised on the front page. Subject to clause 2.5, you will be bound by the amended terms.
1.3 Difference in terms and conditions: If this Agreement differs from anything you are told over the phone, this Agreement will apply unless you receive written confirmation from us.
1.4 Participation: You or child/children in your care: Your payment allows you or child/children in your care to participate in BaySwim Lessons according to this Agreement between you and BaySwim and any Rules. If you or a child/children in your care breach any term of this Agreement or break any Rules, your lessons may be cancelled.
1.5 Take care of your Swim School card: We will give every participant in BaySwim lessons a card when they register. If they arrive without their BaySwim card, we may refuse entry.You cannot lend your BaySwim card to anyone else or allow anyone else to use it. The BaySwim card is our property and you must return it to BaySwim at the end or your registered term or if your agreement is cancelled.
If you lose your BaySwim card, we will replace it and will charge you a fee for the replacement BaySwim card.
1.6 Changes to your situation: You must tell us about anything that affects you or the child/children in your care which will affect their participation, such as health, and any changes to your contact details such as postal address, email address, phone numbers, and nominated bank account details.
1.7 Your promise to us: When you sign this Agreement and for the duration of your agreement, you promise:
that you know of no medical or other reason why you or the participant(s) cannot take part;
that participating in the Swim School will not damage your or the participant(s) health, safety, comfort or physical condition; and,
that you or the participant(s) will use your best efforts to participate in a way that ensures not only your/ their safety but also the safety of others.
1.8 Use pool area (and other wet areas) with care: We accept no responsibility for children outside scheduled lesson times. No children who are undertaking swim lessons are to enter the learner pool while lessons are running.
Children 10 years and under must be actively supervised by an adult over 16 years of age at all times.
Children 5 years and under must be within arm’s reach of an adult over 16 years of age at all times.
You must follow all rules, signs and directions from Bay Venues staff members for your own safety in the pool area and in wet areas generally. For more information visit for Bay Venues pool supervision rules.
1.9 Take care of your health: You agree that you or the child/children in your care will not use our facilities if suffering from:
an infection of any sort or kind, or
an illness of any sort or kind, which may be contagious and put other members at risk; or
a physical complaint which may put other members at risk, such as (by way of example only) an open cut or other similar wound, or
where there is any other risk, however small, to other members.
1.10 Take care of our equipment: You and the child/children in your care must use our facilities and equipment correctly according to their proper use. If you or the child/children in your care are unsure of how to operate any item of equipment, please speak to a BaySwim representative before you use it.
1.11 Damage to facilities: You are responsible for any damage to our facilities caused by you or child/children in your care through a deliberate act or failure to act, or negligence (but excluding acts carried out/failures to act under BaySwim directions).
1.12 Take care of your personal property: You are responsible for any personal property (including by way of example only any vehicle or any personal property inside any vehicle) that you bring onto our premises. Any personal property that you or child/children in your care bring with you is at your own risk.
1.13 Refusing entry: If you or child/children in your care break any Rules or act in any way that is inconsistent with this Agreement, including by way of example, risking the safety of others, we may refuse you or your child/children entry.
1.14 Cancellation after notice: If you or child/children breach this Agreement or break any rules or act in a way that we consider to be unreasonable, we may give you notice by warning you that you risk having BaySwim participation cancelled, particularly if safety to other members is concerned. If you or child/children in your care continue to behave in the same way, we may cancel your child/children’s BaySwim participation.
1.15 Instant cancellation: We have the right to cancel any registered BaySwim member immediately if you or child/children in your care behave in a way that we consider is inappropriate or carries a serious risk of injury or damage to other members, or club facilities such as by way of example only:
threatening or harassing other members;
damaging our equipment or facilities;
using illegal substances; or
soliciting or operating a business on our premises without our consent.
2.0 Our Responsibilities
2.1 We promise to you: When you sign this Agreement and for the duration, we promise to provide our services with all due competence, skill and care.
2.2 No claim against us: BaySwim will not be liable:
for any loss or damage of any kind whatsoever to your personal property which you bring into the facility at your own risk despite the terms of this Agreement (excluding where such loss or damage is due to BaySwim negligence).
for any loss or damage of any kind whatsoever to you or your child’s/ children’s personal property which has been caused by events that are beyond our control and that could not reasonably have been foreseen or prevented.
2.3 Risk of injuries and release of liability: We warn you that, while on our premises, you and your child/children may be exposed to certain risks.
By entering into this Agreement and on every occasion you and your child/children use our facilities and participate in Swim School lessons you acknowledge and accept our warning of risk of injuries set out above and that you or child/children in your care is subject to the risk of injury.
2.4 Limitation of liability: In no event shall either party be liable to the other for any consequential or indirect losses.
2.5 Negative changes: You can cancel your BaySwim Lessons with immediate effect by written notice to us at any time if we:
change or add to our Swim School Terms and Conditions or any Rules and those changes or additions affect you in a negative way; or
change the services and facilities and those changes affect you in a negative way.
We may ask you to provide us with proof that you have been negatively affected by any changes that we make.
2.6 Breach of Agreement: You can also cancel your BaySwim Lessons if we breach this Agreement and we do not fix the breach in a reasonable time after you have told us about it in writing.
3.0 Replacement Lessons
3.1 Replacement Lessons: BaySwim offers one replacement session per participant per swim school term, free of charge, if a swim lesson is missed. Replacement lessons must occur after the missed lesson and must be booked within the same term. These lessons are subject to availability.
3.2 Conditions: Absences must be notified.
4.0 Lesson Termination
4.1 Lesson Termination: This agreement will continue unless terminated by you or us.
5.0 Payment
5.1 Payment of fees: The payment of fees depends on whether you have chosen to pay BaySwim by Direct Debit, or by upfront payments.
Direct Debit option: BaySwim fees paid in advance each fortnight by direct debit from a nominated bank account or credit card. If you choose to pay by credit card, we pass on any fees charged for the transaction by your credit card provider by deducting them from your credit card at the same time as your regular payment. If you choose the fortnightly payment option, the first BaySwim fee will be drawn down prior to the first lesson, and thereafter every second Monday. By completing and signing the Direct Debit form you agreed to all terms and conditions set out on the reverse of the form. We recommend that you take the time to read and understand these terms. Debiting fees from your nominated account: We will debit your fortnightly payments (if using the regular payment option) from your nominated account second Monday as agreed between us.
Upfront payment option: BaySwim lessons paid up front in full for the school term, or holiday lessons, either by cash, cheque, Eftpos or credit card. The Fee is based on the total number of lessons that fall within the term as specified by BaySwim and agreed by you. Terms are a typical School Term.
Lessons must be rebooked each Term.
5.2 Late payments: If you do not fully pay your fees on the due date (being upfront at the time of booking or fortnightly via direct debit) we will:
Cancel your lessons with us until your payments are up to date. This may result in loss of your preferred class day and time. We may need to pass on bank fees and recovery costs associated with your late payment and you authorise us to do this.
Cease the free swimming access until all outstanding fees are settled.
5.3 Depending on your bank, payments may take up to 5 Working Days to be processed. Please ensure you have allowed for this possibility by making sure there is enough money in your nominated account for up to 5 Working Days following your payment day.
5.4 Your payment responsibilities: You are responsible for:
making sure that your nominated account is set up to accept our direct debit;
making sure there is enough money in your nominated account on the payment day and up to 5 Working Days following your payment day;
letting us know if you decide to change your bank and/or nominated account prior to any change being made and;
letting us know if you decide to change your credit card or your credit card provider prior to any change being made.
5.5 Disallowed payments: If your bank or credit card provider does not allow a payment, such as where your account does not have enough money in it or you are over your credit limit, we will require you to pay on site by cash, cheque, Eftpos or credit card before the date of your next lesson.
5.6 Cancelling without further payment: A standard rate of 14 days notice will be charged. However you can cancel BaySwim
Lessons if:
The participant becomes sick or is incapacitated. A medical certificate is required in these instances.
You are judged bankrupt by a New Zealand Court. Prior to cancelling we will require appropriate evidence that you have been declared bankrupt.
5.7 Suspensions: A student may suspend for a 14 day period within any term. The 14 days suspended must be consecutive. A minimum 14 days notice must be provided in writing for suspensions.
Any suspensions to upfront customers will go into vouchers in your BaySwim account to be used against future BaySwim lessons.
5.8 Changes to Swim School fees: We may increase your fees at any time. We will notify you about any fee increases one month in advance of any such increase. Notices will be sent to the contact details advised on the front page. If we do not receive notice from you under clause 2.5 by the end of the one month notice period above, you will be bound by the increased fee and you authorize us to increase any debits from your nominated account or credit card in line with the notified increase.
5.9 Swim School fees include GST: Our membership fees include goods and services tax (GST). Any increase in GST will increase your BaySwim fees.
6.0 Your Privacy
6.1 Storage and use of your personal information: On BaySwim registration and during the term agreed you will provide us with and we will hold on file your personal information. We will only use, deal with or disclose your personal information in a way that is consistent with our privacy policy.
6.2 Filming and photography in BaySwim: Sometimes we may film or photograph the programme when it is in use for promotional and marketing purposes of our business. You may appear in the background of any promotional or marketing material. By signing this agreement you agree to allow us to use you or the child/children in your care image.
7.0 Meaning of Words and Phrases
Agreement: means the Swim School Terms and Conditions.
This is between BaySwim and you, under which you will become a member of BaySwim.
Rules: means any rules set by BaySwim from time to time for operating equipment, use of facilities, opening hours and behaviour in the programme, specified in this Agreement, and programme signs and handouts as may be amended from time to time.
You/Your: means you and your child /children as noted on the front of this Agreement.
Working Day: means a day on which registered banks are open for business other than a Saturday or Sunday.
This agreement is the entire agreement, understanding and arrangement between you and us relating to your use of our facilities and equipment and membership of the centre. This agreement supersedes any previous agreement, understanding or arrangement (whether written or oral).
We: ‘us’ and ‘our’ means Bay Venues Limited and where the context requires includes our staff, contractors and assigns.
Greerton BaySwim Promo: Term 1, 2025
Venue: Greerton BaySwim
Promotion: Get 25% off your fees when you refer a friend to BaySwim Greerton. Your friend (or sibling) also gets 25% off when they book in!
Dates: 28th January – 13th April
Terms & Conditions
Who qualifies as a friend?
The referred person can be a friend or a sibling.
New customers only:
The referred friend/sibling must be a new customer.
A new customer is someone who has not been enrolled at BaySwim within the past 6 months.
Discount details:
The referring customer receives a 25% discount on their Term 1 fees.
The referred friend/sibling also receives a 25% discount on their Term 1 fees.
Location-specific promo:
This promotion applies to Greerton BaySwim only.
It does not apply to Baywave, as Baywave is at full capacity.
Switching venues:
Customers previously enrolled at Baywave can book at Greerton BaySwim to take advantage of this offer.
Both referrer and referred friend need to be enrolled at Greerton.
Term validity:
This promotion is valid for Term 1, 2025 only.
Enrolment has to be for the entirety of the term – 10 weeks
Early cancellations:
If either party (referring or referred) cancels their enrolment early, the 25% discount will be voided.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Can I refer more than one friend?
A: Yes! You will receive a 25% discount for each friend you refer, as long as they meet the eligibility criteria.
Q: What happens if my friend cancels their booking?
A: If the referred friend cancels early, their discount will be void, and your 25% discount may also be revoked unless because of a medical reason.